Moon sign Cancer - what it says about you!

Moon sign Cancer

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You are from the moon sign Cancer and would like to know what that actually means? Which characteristics make you and what is typical for you as a Cancer moon sign? How you tick in the partnership and how in the job? We tell you everything about your moon sign!

The Moon sign is known to be the third important element in your horoscope. It is the zodiac sign in which the moon was at the time of your birth.

The moon sign says a lot about our Feelings out. It tells us what we need for our Wellbeing and happiness. The moon sign gives us an indication of what moves us deep inside, what touches our soul and how we can find our inner center. We often don't even know this ourselves. It's worth taking a look at the moon sign.🌛

Did you know that the moon is responsible for the Female stands for? This is why the moon sign is of particular interest to women. The moon sign tells us a lot about our Relationships, our Family presentations and where we can really arrive and feel at home.

If you want to know more about the meaning of the moon sign for your life, then it's worth taking a look at the article: "This is the influence the moon sign has on your life."

So, are you curious to find out what your Moon sign Cancer specifically about you? Then why not dive into the world of moon signs with us!

As a beginner in astrology, you may not yet be able to do much with the many different terms. If that is the case, you should mean Article about the Basics reading astrology. Here you will find explanations for all your questions.

This is what makes the moon sign Cancer tick

For people born under the moon sign of Cancer Feelings a large role in their lives. They are very emotional, sentimental and sensitive comrades.

Cancer Moon sign act from their Belly out and rely completely on their feelings. They can empathize with other people like nobody else and feel the suffering of others as they do their own.

However, this sensitivity always causes problems in their lives. Cancer moon signs are very easily vulnerable and influenceable.

Crayfish also have massive Mood swings! It can happen that they completely change their nature from one minute to the next.

In addition, their mood is extremely dependent on external influences. Itty-bitty little things that they didn't expect can ruin their entire day.

People with the moon sign Cancer are hardly stable, which is why they are fast from the Balance brought. When confronted with unknown circumstances, they react with aversion and withdrawal.❌

So to feel really comfortable, they need Security and a familiar environment. Security is of particular importance to them!

Love, Proximity and Physical contact crabs need like air to breathe. This makes it difficult for them to give their loved ones enough space, as they would prefer to be glued to them 24/7.

Cancer Moon signs are driven in their lives primarily by the desire to receive love and the desire to give love. They never give up the search, although they make it unnecessarily difficult for themselves by their own high demands.

You simply need the feeling, Used at become - Cancer moon signs are most likely to find this fulfillment in a family and children of their own!

Although they are so emotional and understanding of all the moods of their fellow human beings, Cancers appear outwardly dismissive and withdrawn. They simply want to avoid being rejected.♋

In interpersonal relationships, Cancer moon signs like to take on a childlike role. As a result, they try to weaker and more helpless than they actually are. In turn, they hope to be cared for more through their behavior.

Love and Sex at Cancer Moon

People with the moon sign Cancer read their partners every wish from the eyes! They love nothing more than to pamper and spoil their loved one.

Subconsciously, crayfish want to be protected by the Coddling bind their partner to them so that they feel that they can no longer do without the Cancer woman in their life.

Due to their own need for love, the partner with Tenderness and physical contact just so showered! However, hardly any partner can give this back and this makes the Cancer feel neglected.♋

Sich mutually loyal to be and always rely on each other being able to trust - this is a matter of course for crayfish in a partnership. However, if their trust is abused, they burn all bridges.

In one relationship, the Cancer moon sign is particularly Emotional stability important. He needs someone he can come home to and feel safe.

Non-committal affairs may work in the short term, but after a while Cancer wants consistency and security.

At Bed Cancer moon sign likes to stay passive! They allow themselves to be pampered, even at the risk of leaving their partner unsatisfied.☝🏼

After crabs have opened up to their partners - and that can take time! - they lay all their cards on the table. Power games or stalling do not exist with the Cancer moon sign. If they have feelings for someone, they let them know immediately.

Cancer in the Moon: Job and Career

At work, the moon sign Cancer should fulfill the need for Caring take into account! Jobs in which they help and care for other people make their hearts beat faster.

It is particularly important to Cancer moon signs that they are Workplace in good hands and feel good. They would give up the best job in the world if the environment wasn't right for them.

With Stress and Performance pressure they don't get on well at all! They also don't like tight hierarchies.

You want No instructions They don't want to be told what to do from above, what is important to them is that they can contribute themselves and have scope to fulfill their work.

They need to feel that they belong in the workplace too. Teamwork are therefore ideal for them and they are completely absorbed!

Rejection and criticism are difficult for the moon sign Cancerians to bear, both in private and at work.

Significant colors for the moon sign Cancer

Like the moon, which sparkles in a silvery glow in the night sky, this color also magically attracts Cancer. Silver reflects the rich Fantasy world of the moon sign, in which dreams and emotions interweave. It symbolizes intuition and inspiration, which guide Cancer on its creative path.

Deep dark green, the color of nature and growth, represents Cancer's deep connection with life. It stands for security, harmony and the Search to Satisfaction. In the midst of green landscapes and lush plant life, crabs find peace and inspiration.♋

Like a blank slate, the Color White Purity and Innocence from. In the moon sign Cancer, it reflects the emotional openness and vulnerability with which he admits his feelings. White also symbolizes the New beginning and Cancer's ability to reinvent itself again and again.

My conclusion

The Moon sign Cancer is characterized by deep emotionality, intuition and care. Security, love and harmony are particularly important to them in life. Their creative streak and pronounced empathy enrich their environment.♥️

They master challenges with their emotional strength and resilience. In relationships, they seek deep Connectedness and Security. At work, they value meaningful activities and a positive working atmosphere.

The unique combination of characteristics makes crayfish valuable companions and soul mates.♋

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