This is what really happens when you go running for the first time

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You want to go on your first run and have never run before? Then you need to keep these 11 things in mind.

The sun is getting warmer, the birds are chirping and we can finally end our hibernation. Very occasionally, small mounds of snow can still be seen. Perfect!

You couldn't bring yourself to lace up your running shoes this winter? Too bad, but better you start a little later than never.

Now is the perfect time to start running:

  1. Your running routes are still quite empty
  2. The air is still pleasantly fresh
  3. You can already get the first spring sun
  4. The temperature is perfect - not too hot and not too cold
  5. You are more than fit until summer :)

If you want to really get going now and head out for the first run of the year, you need to prepare yourself not only physically, but especially mentally.

start running in spring

Top fit in 14 days or become a professional runner in 1 week - yes, there are many marketing slogans that we would like to believe only too much. If you're running for the very first time, it won't work. We have to disappoint you.

We tell you how it really is. Uncensored and honest :)

This is what happens to your body when you take your very first run

Admittedly, before the first run, one is full of anticipation. But with others it looks so easy. They almost float past us and look really happy at the same time.

However, you should definitely be realistic. Because after the first run, you're just knocked out and rarely look really good.

You could defeat the whole world, beaming all over your face and feeling really strong. Yes, at least that was the plan. But after the first run, completely different surprises await you.

1. your head turns red

If you want to take a selfie of your first run, be sure to do it beforehand. Because after that, you won't be very photogenic. Even if your route is very short.

Your body is not used to this kind of effort. The reaction of many bodies is to turn up the heartbeat. Many get a red head from it. But that gets much better after a few runs.


Shift down a gear and walk a few feet, take a deep breath, and then start walking again one small at a time.

2. you puff like a little walrus

Yes, for others it looks very easy. But in the beginning, they were no better off than you. Believe me. In the beginning your body has to adjust to jogging. Your lungs also have to get used to it.


Try to inhale through the nose and exhale firmly through the mouth.

You sweat a lot

And everywhere. You are soaking wet although you haven't even walked far. You have the feeling that your body is fighting against it with every fiber. Don't let it win! Hang in there :)


Dress too little rather than too much. If you feel a little shivery before running, it's just right. After the first few steps you will be really warm.

start running in spring

Your lungs are burning

The panting is joined by a burning sensation in your lungs. With every breath you feel the uneasy feeling and would like to stop immediately.


At this point at the latest, you should shift down a gear and slow down. Do not overdo it! You are only at the very beginning!

You have side stitch

Those nasty stitches on the right and left won't let you run any further and are already really hurting? Side stitches are a problem that many novice runners struggle with. Don't despair about it. Once you've done your lap a few times, it will subside.


Take a deep breath in and out. And read our contribution: "Side stitch while running: Causes and quick help"

You are dying of thirst

Just started and you could already drink a pint. Your lips and tongue feel dry.


Drink enough water throughout the day. Your body needs to be well hydrated throughout. Before you start running, it's best to drink only a small glass, otherwise you'll have to go in search of a toilet.

You are bored with running

Congratulations! If that's your only problem with starting to run, you're one of the less fortunate. Others struggle with not enough air and pain - you only with boredom.


Sprint in between, sometimes running slower, sometimes faster. Then you won't have time to get bored while running. Another thing that always helps is a playlist with running music. Music on - world off. Works while running, too.

You are completely disappointed

What? Not even half a kilometer, only 5 minutes without a first break? And that's the end of the road? Yes, that's how it can be. Don't be so hard on yourself!

start running in spring


Set realistic goals! If you can get through half a mile on your very first run without insane panting, pain, or other problems, you're already a champion! Take a fitness tracker with you. Then you'll know how far and how fast you went. Next time, you're sure to go a bit further.

You get cramps at night

You wake up and suddenly have a stabbing pain in your calf? Cramps can be pure horror. But again, as a running beginner, your body has to get used to the movements first.


There are many magnesium powders and remedies in the drugstore. What always helps me: Eat a banana before running.

You have sore shin muscles

Even though you exercise regularly and go for a walk, you are suddenly plagued by a sore shin muscle? That's quite normal and shouldn't surprise you. When you run, you move your legs in a completely different way than when you walk.

The solution of our reader Alexandra:

Train your shin muscles even before you set out on your first run. To strengthen the shin muscles, you should walk on heels or do Theraband pulling exercises towards the knee, for example.

You have a full body muscle soreness

Yes, there is also such a thing. The legs, the buttocks, the arms and muscles of which you have not yet known, become noticeable. But that meanly only the day after.

start running in spring


Be sure to stretch and tell your body "here we go". Ideally, you train all year round. Many exercises can also be done in the living room. So at least not all your muscles start at 0.

Our conclusion

As nice as all the marketing slogans sound: Be realistic. You know your body best and you know that it's hard to get started. Just don't give up and keep at it. Now nothing stands in the way of your first run! Let's go ;)

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