10 effective exercises against water in the legs

Exercises against water in the legs

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Your legs are swollen and painful? Many women are affected by water retention. But you can do something about it. These exercises help against water in the legs.

We all dream of long, slender model legs. But many of us are not granted these due to swelling and water retention.

Especially in midsummer, people often have to deal with heavy and swollen legs.

But that's over now! You can do something about it.

We show you the best tips and exercises against swollen legs.

How do swollen legs develop?

People who sit or stand a lot are susceptible to water accumulating in their legs and feet. High temperatures in summer, tight clothing or uncomfortable shoes are also a reason for water retention. Swelling or edema has many different causes. Some of them are more harmless than others.

Swollen joints can also be a sign that you are going through premenstrual changes, are pregnant, or are taking too much salt. Water in the legs also occur, especially in older people who no longer move much.

This causes the legs, ankles and feet to swell as fluid leaks out.

The fluid accumulates in the surrounding tissues, causing them to expand.

Edema places additional stress on the heart and kidneys, which can have long-term effects.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and clarify the symptoms with him. Especially before you do the exercises against water in the legs.

What exercises help with water in the legs?

These simple exercises help the body move fluid from the feet up and back into the torso (midsection) of the body. Once the fluid is in the upper body, it can be processed by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

Before you do the exercises, however, be sure to get a doctor's approval.

This is because the exercises could put additional stress on the system. Especially for people with heart or kidney problems.

As with any exercise, it is usually best to start light, be patient, and increase slowly as needed to avoid injury or discomfort.

Pump ankles

Foot pump exercises against water in the legs

  • Lie on your back and put your feet up.
  • Now point your toes up toward your head and then push your toes down away from your head.
  • Move only your feet while doing this.
  • Repeat the exercise 30 times.

It is easier to do this exercise lying down, but it can also be done sitting. To strengthen the exercise while sitting, you should put your feet up on a stool.

Knee to chest

Stretch legs


  • Lie on your back.
  • Bring one knee to your chest.
  • Hold briefly and then return to the starting position.
  • The other leg remains flat on the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and then switch legs.

Leg lift

Swing leg


  • Hold on to a chair.
  • Lift the leg and extend it backwards.
  • Keep the knee extended at the same time.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times and then switch legs.

Calf stretch

Calf raise

  • Hold on to a chair.
  • Slowly push yourself up onto your toes.
  • Hold here for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • You should feel a slight stretch in your calves during the exercise.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise against water in the legs: buttock squeeze

  • Sit or lie down.
  • Now try to tense your gluteal muscles - as if you were trying to pick up a coin between your buttocks.
  • Do the exercise slowly and try to hold the tension for a few seconds before going into relaxation.
  • Take a deep breath in and out.
  • Perform this exercise 10 times.

Cycling as exercise against water in the legs

Exercise cycling


  • Lie on your back and tighten your legs.
  • The arms are parallel to the body.
  • Tighten the abdomen and start cycling in the air.
  • To do this, alternately pull your knees toward your body and then bring them forward again. The movement is quite the same as on the bike.
  • Do 3x 30 seconds.

Fascia rolling massage sitting

Exercises against water in the legs fascia ball

  • Pick up a small fascia roller or fascia ball.
  • Roll with it slowly and with a lot of pressure from the kneecap up to the groin.
  • When you reach the top, lean back slightly so that you reach the hip bone with the fascia roller.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and then switch legs.

Fascia massage against water retention

Exercise against water retention


  • Sit down on the floor.
  • Place the fascia roller under the Achilles tendon.
  • Now roll up to the buttocks.
  • Do the exercise 10 times per leg.
  • Make sure that you always roll from the Achilles heel to the buttocks and thus in the direction of venous return.

Hip flexor exercise against water in the legs

Water in the legs


  • Sit down on the floor.
  • Place one leg in front of you at a right angle.
  • The other one you stretch out to the back.
  • Stretch your hip flexor for about 2 minutes and then switch sides.

Knee stand

Knee stand exercise


  • Go into the kneeling position.
  • Lean back a little.
  • Slowly set down on your heels.
  • During the exercise you should feel a stretch in your shin and thigh.
  • Stay in the position for about 2 minutes.

What is the fastest way to get water out of my legs?

Besides the above mentioned exercises against water in the legs, there are also a few simple tips that you can use to prevent and get rid of water retention.

1. become active

The best weapon in the fight against water in the legs is a very simple one: walking. Walking around improves blood circulation and allows the leaked fluid to flow back.

So do exercises against water in the legs, take a walk outside in the fresh air or get on the treadmill or cross trainer.

Fitness equipment is also a great way to keep track of your distance and incline. It's best to start with a 30-minute workout three or four times a week.

After a few weeks, you can of course extend your workout and increase the incline. But make sure that you increase slowly.

2. put your feet up

Yes, we encourage you to walk and run more. But you are also allowed to put your legs up sometimes.

So while you are relaxing on the sofa, raise your feet to about above your heart. This will allow the fluid to flow back and you can rest in peace.

3. massage

A massage can really stimulate the lymphatic system. But it does not have to be deep-acting or painful.

Simple and gentle movements are enough for the fluid to be transported towards the lymph glands and activate the lymphatic system.

However, talk to a doctor first to see if massage is right for you.

4. avoid salt

If you have edema, you should consume as little salt as possible.

This is because salt intake could be to blame for water retention.

So make sure you reduce your salt intake and always check the hidden salt content in ready meals.

If you're cooking something yourself, again, better leave the salt shaker in the cupboard.

Good on the other hand much magnesiumwhich helps to remove excess water. Magnesium is found in nuts and whole grain products, among others.

5. drink enough

This may seem contradictory, but drinking water helps against water in the tissues.

It significantly strengthens the body's excretory organs and eliminates all waste products that have accumulated in the body.

Adequate hydration can also help you be more alert and energetic. Drink eight to ten large glasses of water every day.

For a better taste, just add lemons, oranges, limes or cucumbers.

Also good against water in the legs are foods that themselves contain a lot of water and thus, in a sense, flush the body.

These include cucumbers, watermelons or pumpkins.

What else helps: dehydrating and diuretic teas, such as. Nettle-, peppermint or juniper tea.

6. medicinal plants against water in the legs

In addition to exercises to combat water in the legs, a natural diuretic can also be a gentle and healthy way to allow fluid reflux through the tissues.

Try diuretic herbs like dandelion, licorice root and elderberry, or incorporate more celery, artichokes, grapes and parsley into your diet.

7. potassium

Diuretics not only cause a loss of tissue fluid, but also withdraw potassium from the body.

That's why you should make sure that you get this nutrient In the form of food again.

Bananas, raisins and kidney beans contain a lot of potassium.

8. take a full bath

Epsom salts are not just an old wives' tale. They are a proven remedy that has been around for ages.

Fill the tub with warm (not too hot) water, sprinkle in a handful of Epsom salts and relax.

A deficiency of magnesium can lead to swelling. Bathing in Epsom salts helps to improve the absorption of the mineral.

And soon you can be happy again for slim joints and legs.

9. walk barefoot

In addition to the tips mentioned so far and the exercises against water in the legs, you should also walk barefoot as often as possible.

This activates the muscles and soon you are rid of water retention once and for all.

10. stimulate your blood circulation

Alternating showers and Kneipp baths as well as treading water in ice water promote circulation.

For those who only have their bath at home as a Kneipp spot, the simple knee cast is ideal:

To do this, guide the water jet three times from the little toe to the back of the knee and back.

The veins relax, blood can flow freely, and edema is less likely this way.

Our conclusion

Ankles are swollen, calves are tight: Most people have already struggled with swollen legs and feet. If your legs are swollen, it can be quite uncomfortable and cause pain. But with our tips and exercises you can prevent or get rid of water in the legs.

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