The 9 best exercises to stretch calves

Stretching calves exercises

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Your calves go through a lot. By standing and walking, they are under tension all day. With these simple exercises you can stretch and loosen up your calves!

We need our calf muscles for standing, walking, jumping, climbing or even going downhill.

The calf muscle allows us to bend at the knee. It can bend the lower leg against the thigh, as in stair climbing, or the thigh against the lower leg, as in squatting.

The main function of the calf muscles is to rotate the foot. It is also responsible for the movements in the ankle joint when walking or jumping.

Yet we pay far too little attention to it.

Have you ever tried to touch the floor with your fingers from a standing position and it just doesn't work?

Then you most likely have shortened calf muscles. This is quite normal, because we all sit far too much.

Today we're going to stretch your calves! With these exercises for stretched calves you can effectively prevent shortening, injuries and pain. You'll also become more flexible again.

Why does the calf suffer in everyday life?

Calf cramps, knee pain, and heel spurs are pretty common these days, and part of that has to do with the lack of exercise in our modern day lives.

A big culprit is sitting a lot. When we sit, our calf muscle, called the twin calf muscle, tenses. That means it doesn't get stretched and stays "shortened," so to speak.

If this shortened position is maintained every day for a long time without compensation, the tissue of the calf muscles changes.

This happens because the tissue is no longer properly stretched and elongated. Over time, it becomes stiffer and loses flexibility.

The fascia, which is the tissue that surrounds and permeates the muscles, becomes hard and inflexible.

It is important to make sure that the calf is stretched regularly to avoid these problems.

By regularly stretching and extending the calf muscles, we can maintain their flexibility and prevent the stiffening of the tissue.

How can I tell if my calf is shortened?

To help you know if your calf muscles are shortened, you can do a simple test.

Go barefoot or with socks into a deep squat. Your heels should stay on the floor. If your butt does not come close to your heels, you have shortened calves.

There are many different symptoms that will tell you that you need to stretch your calf muscles, such as:

  • Pain in the calves
  • Regular calf cramps
  • Hardened calves
  • Pain in the calves after sports

Shortened calves are also manifested by knee pain with a feeling of pressure in the kneecap. But also by hip and pelvic tension, which can promote a hollow back and trigger tailbone problems.

But if your calves are shortened, it can also cause tension in your thoracic spine and neck. There, the shortening causes your back to bend. You get a hunched back.

As you can see, it is very important that you put calf stretching on your workout schedule. Otherwise, you can get problems throughout your body.

The main cause of shortened calves is a combination of lack of exercise, prolonged sitting/standing and lack of stretching. But high heels also cause the muscles to atrophy.

What are the consequences of shortened calf muscles?

If your calf muscles are permanently shortened, it can have several effects:

  • Wade: You may feel pain and stiffness in your calf. This can make it harder to walk, run or jump.
  • Knee: Your shortened calf muscles can put stress on the knee and cause pain.
  • Foot: The shortened calf muscles can affect the foot and lead to problems such as flat feet or pain.
  • Shin: Shortened calf muscles can put stress on the tibia, which can lead to pain along the shin.
  • Ankle: The ankle may become more unstable and increase the risk of injuries such as twisting.

To avoid these problems, it's important to regularly stretch and relax your calf muscles.

Anatomy: How is the calf structured?

The calf is the part of your leg located between your knee and your ankle. It is made up of two main muscles, the calf muscle and the gluteus maximus.

The calf muscle is the larger of the two and consists of two parts: the inner head and the outer head.

These muscle parts run parallel to each other and give your calf its characteristic shape. The calf muscles are connected to the bones via tendons.

The tendon of the calf muscle, also called the Achilles tendon, connects the calf muscle to the heel. It is very important for power transmission when you stand on tiptoe or push off, for example.

The main purpose of the calf muscles is to allow movement of your foot.💪🏼😁

As you push down on the top of your foot, your calf muscles tighten and help push you off.

When you pull the top of your foot up, the calf muscles relax.

The calf is an important muscle area for many daily activities such as walking, running and jumping.

Therefore, it is important to stretch and maintain the calf muscles to maintain their flexibility and performance.

What is the benefit of calf stretching?

Our calves are under tension all day long. If we do not stretch our calves, this can lead to health problems. These are particularly noticeable in the calf muscles and the Achilles tendon.

One-sided stress causes a shortening in our calf muscles. Malpositions of the feet, knees and pelvis are the result.

Calf stretching increases the elasticity of the muscle and connective tissue. You become less prone to injuries such as muscle fiber tears or strains.

But stretched legs bring even more benefits:

  • FlexibilityRegular stretching will greatly improve your flexibility. This isn't just limited to your calves, because when you stretch your legs, your arms, back or side abs are often involved as well. The more flexible you can move, the lower the risk of injury.
  • Avoidance from Muscle shorteningIf you do not stretch regularly, you will very quickly have muscle shortening. This can promote Achilles tendonitis, TV spurs or inflammation of fascia. Also, you will suffer more often from tension pain if you have shortened muscles.
  • Better athletic Services: More flexible calf muscles help you perform at your best when running, sprinting and dancing. Well stretched muscles allow high stride lengths and more body stability.
  • Reduction from Muscle soreness: This point is still a little controversial. Some say that stretching helps against sore muscles, others are convinced that it is wasted effort. The fact is: stretching exercises can not harm in any case.
  • Fewer calf cramps: In calf cramps, excess tension is discharged, which lies on the legs.

Stretch calf muscles - the two main muscles

Many muscles work together in the calf, but the clod muscle (musculus soleus) and the large twin calf muscle (musculus gastrocnemius) are especially important for stretching.

These two muscles are interconnected and unite to form the Achilles tendon. They are responsible for certain foot movements, a secure stance and the flexion of the knee joint.

Therefore, calf stretching can be helpful for knee, Achilles tendon or foot discomfort.

The best exercises to stretch calves

Always perform calf exercises slowly and mindfully. Listen to your body and don't overstretch the muscles through false ambition. Never go beyond the pain threshold.

Ideally, you should have exercised before the exercises or gone for a long walk. Warmed-up muscles have more blood flow and can therefore be stretched better.

We have selected the best exercises for your calves. Get started now!

Stretching exercise for calves

This Exercise to stretch calves you can really do anywhere. It doesn't matter if it's in the office or at home. It is simple and very effective.

Stretch calves

  • Stand with your face to the wall.
  • Your arms are extended and touch the wall at shoulder height.
  • Keep your head and back straight.
  • Take a big step backward with one leg and heel down until you feel a slight pull.
  • The leg must be fully extended and the heel flat on the floor.
  • Bend the front knee at about a 90° angle.
  • Hold the position for 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Stretch calves by touching toes

Stretching calves exercises

  • Sit on the exercise mat and stretch your legs.
  • Angle one leg and reach the fingers of the opposite hand to the tips of the toes of the extended leg.
  • Press the knee of the extended leg to the floor.
  • Hold the tension for a few seconds.
  • Now you can stretch a little bit more.
  • Pay attention to your breathing.

Stretch calf muscles

Stretching calves exercises

  • Stand hip-width apart.
  • Walk with the legs a little apart.
  • Bend your upper body forward.
  • Try as best you can to touch the floor with your fingertips.

Does not work? Then start, with a whole simple trick to help - read it here!

Lunge to stretch calves

Stretch calves

  • Take a big step backwards with one leg.
  • Bend the front leg a little.
  • Try to gently press the heel to the floor.
  • The back is straight and the hands are on the thigh.
  • Hold the position for 15-30 seconds.

Dog looking down as a stretching exercise for the calves

We all know this exercise, don't we? In yoga, by the way, there are numerous exercises that stretch your calves.

Stretch calves

  • Start with an upright stance and slightly open legs.
  • Bend forward and place your palms on the mat.
  • Stretch your buttocks in the air. Arms and legs should be stretched. Make sure that your back is straight.
  • Try to touch the floor with your heels.

It's a little harder at first. But with regular calf stretching you will soon find it easier. Especially if you do the dog looking down with Combine stretching exercises for the thighs.

By the way, this exercise also stretches your back and thighs. A true all-rounder!

Stretching exercise with resistance band

With this exercise you can effectively stretch your calves.

Stretching calves exercises

  • Lie on your back and stretch your legs.
  • Thread the ribbon around one leg and pull it towards you with your hands.
  • Make sure that the legs are fully extended.
  • Lower it again and repeat the exercise once more.
  • After that you change the leg.

Effective calf stretching exercise

Stretch calves

  • Stand hip-width apart and get into a slight stride position.
  • To do this, slightly bend one leg and stretch the other forward.
  • The tips of the feet of your front leg should point upward.
  • Slowly bend your upper body down and reach for your toes.
  • Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Place upper body on thighs as a stretching exercise

Stretch calves with lunge

  • Kneel on the exercise mat and put one leg up.
  • Lie with your upper body on your thigh and embrace your knee with your arms.
  • Slowly push the leg forward until you feel the stretch in the calf muscles.
  • First stretch as far as you can. Even if you can't touch the floor with your heel yet. After about 10 seconds, just stretch a little more and you'll go a little deeper into the stretch again.
  • The heel must remain on the ground.
  • Hold the position and then change the leg.

Stretching calves with tools

During a short break on the stairs, you can do this stretching exercise right away. You can also use a curb or, like me, a plate. The main thing is that you have an elevation.

Stretch calves

  • Find a small elevation, like a stair step or stepper.
  • Stand straight with both feet on it.
  • Take one foot back so that only the tips of your toes are touching the step.
  • Press the heel down until you feel the stretch.
  • Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and repeat the calf stretching exercise with the other leg.

This exercise is part of our workout, which will help you to start with the Fingertips touching the toes.

Is it better to stretch the calf muscles statically or dynamically?

There are a lot of different opinions about this. In the past, it was often advised to perform static stretching before sports, where you hold the stretch for a certain time. In contrast, today it is often recommended to warm up dynamically and move actively before sports instead of static stretching.

According to studies, performing static stretching before exercise can temporarily reduce muscle strength and performance. Holding static stretches can also temporarily relax muscles and impair their ability to develop strength.

In short, stretch dynamically before exercise, and statically after exercise.

When and how often you should stretch the calves

Do not stretch your calves immediately after strength training. Allow at least 24 hours to pass after your workout before you start stretching your calves. This is because after strength training, your muscle fibers are damaged and need to recover.

It's best to incorporate calf stretching exercises into your warm up. You need 3-5 minutes for this. Hold each position for a maximum of 30 seconds.

Take time for calf stretching exercises two to three times a week. If your calves are severely shortened, you should stretch them daily.

If you have cramps, stretch your calves for 30-45 seconds to get rid of the pain.

To warm up for Pilates or yoga, it is also enough to stretch your calves for about 45 seconds.

Important: Warm up your muscles before each stretch. The muscles will be supplied with more blood and the exercises will be easier for you.

Should you stretch your calves before exercising?

Sports experts advise warming up dynamically before training and mobilizing the joints and ligaments. Static stretching is not the right choice before training.

Also, it's not a good idea to stretch only one muscle group (in this case, the calves).

After exercise, static stretching can be performed as part of the cool-down period or in a separate stretching session to maintain flexibility and reduce muscular tension.

It's important to pay attention to your body and figure out what works best for you personally. Some people prefer a light stretch before exercise, while others feel better when they save the stretching for after the workout.

Does calf stretching help against sore muscles and strains?

Muscle strains are usually caused by incorrect strain. In this case, the tense muscles are overstretched. This happens mainly due to a lack of warming up or overloading.

If you have a strain, you should not stretch under any circumstances. Take a break and rest your leg. Cool the affected area with ice or cool packs until the swelling goes down.

Attention: It's best not to use heat treatments if you have a pulled muscle.

When the pain decreases a bit, start moving your calf slightly again. This will allow it to recover more quickly. After a few days, the muscle will have recovered and you can slowly start training again.

Stretching exercises also help as a loosening up for tight or hard muscles. Especially after a hard workout you tend to tense up.🙄

Whether calf stretching helps against sore muscles is still controversial. If it does help, however, it only minimally alleviates the pain.

AttentionStay in one position for a maximum of 20 to 30 seconds. In no case longer. Otherwise you'll irritate your muscles too much.

What are common mistakes when stretching calves?

Stretching is super important if you want to train successfully and build your muscles in a healthy way.

It helps you improve your flexibility, prevent injuries and relax muscles that have shortened.

But to get the best results, it is important to perform the stretching exercises correctly without making mistakes.

This way you can get the most out of your workout and get your muscles in top shape.

  • Slow and relaxed: When stretching the calves, it is important to perform the movements slowly and at a moderate pace. Moving too quickly can lead to injury, so take your time.
  • No jerky movements: Avoid jerky swings when stretching, as this can cause a lot of tension in the muscles. Instead, gently get into the stretching position and feel your muscles relax.
  • Refrain from bobbing movements: If you are not so experienced in stretching, it is better not to make bobbing movements. These could cause pain. Start with static stretching to make your muscles more flexible. Later you can include rocking movements.
  • Adapt to your own limitations: Every body is different, so the limits of stretching are also individual. Be aware of your own limits and don't overdo it. Listen to your body and don't overstretch.

How long does it take for the calf to stop shortening?

The length of time it takes for a shortened calf to return to its normal length can vary from person to person.

It depends on several factors, such as the extent of shortening, the regularity of stretching, and individual flexibility.

If you stretch regularly and correctly, you can feel the first improvements after just a few weeks.

The muscles and fascia in the calf become more flexible and elastic over time. It is important to be patient and practice continuously, as the shortening will not disappear overnight.😊

Depending on how severe the shortening is, it may take several months to see significant improvement.

It's important to incorporate stretching exercises into your workout routine on a regular basis and not neglect them.

Remember that every body is different and responds individually to stretching. Listen to your body, feel how it feels, and adapt the stretching to your own needs.

Over time, you will notice progress and your calf will be more flexible and less shortened. Remember that stretching is an ongoing process.

Our conclusion

You should stretch your calves regularly. Incorporate stretching exercises into your warm up. This way you can improve your flexibility and prevent injuries. Make sure you do the exercises slowly and take your time. It is better to do two or three exercises every day instead of rarely and then all the exercises in a row.

If you stretch your legs for 10 minutes every second, third day for a month, you will already notice a big difference in mobility.

Have fun stretching! 💪🏼😊

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