Ascendant Gemini - This is what makes you special!

Ascendant Gemini

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Would you like to know what it means that you are Ascendant Gemini? We'll tell you all about the strengths and weaknesses of Gemini and what the Ascendant actually stands for!

We can tell you one thing right away: People with the Gemini ascendant are constantly on the move. Both physically and mentally they need constant variety, momentum and movement.

Nothing makes them more restless than stagnation and boredom. If they could, Gemini Ascendants would split several times - just to be able to be everywhere!

The descendant of the Gemini ascendant is Sagittarius. This ensures that the freedom-loving and agile Gemini will place more value on community in the course of his life.

Ascendant Gemini

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So you always have your zodiac sign as a lucky charm and individual piece of jewelry with you.

What distinguishes the character of the Gemini Ascendant

The sign ruler of the Gemini Ascendant is Mercury of the Morning. This gives the Gemini Ascendant a special talent for language and communication and an enormous inquisitiveness.

If you are also one of the Gemini Ascendants, then you are always jumping. Probably also in this moment by reading this text. Because there are no quiet five minutes with you!

After all, the Ascendant Gemini could miss something in the meantime! Gemini are extremely interested in their environment and always want to be up to date.

They are inquisitive and curious, but like to jump quickly between different tasks. Working together with others at work or in private is often difficult for Gemini.

Often he deals with one topic only superficially before he jumps to the next. Thus he is informed everywhere, but the Gemini Ascendant can hardly occupy himself with topics in a deeper way. After all, there are so many things he still has to explore, there is no time to dwell on a single topic for long.

If they could, Gemini Ascendant would probably talk all day. The news they always have in store is too exciting. Nevertheless, they do not push themselves to the fore and are also good listeners. Because of their good communication skills and their open ear for everyone around them, they often find themselves in a mediating position.

The strengths of the Gemini ascendant

  • Inquisitiveness
  • Eloquence
  • Mobility
  • Brightness charm
  • Humor
  • Happiness
  • Openness
  • Versatility
  • Curiosity
  • Interest

The weaknesses of the Ascendant Gemini

  • Nervousness
  • Fidget
  • Restlessness
  • Vanity
  • Clumsiness
  • Superficiality
  • Indecision
  • Commitment Anxiety
  • Fluttershy
  • Impermanence

What distinguishes the Gemini Ascendant in love

The Gemini Ascendant needs a partner who gives him enough air to breathe in a relationship. He doesn't like to feel constricted and needs his independence in love as well.

There are many crushes in his life, but it is difficult for the Gemini to fall in love. He is not an emotional person and can only get involved with his partner with difficulty.

However, when the Gemini Ascendant has found his partner who is like-minded to him on a spiritual level and accepts his volatility, his loving and passionate side also comes out.

If there are disputes between the Gemini Ascendant and his partner, they are quickly cleared out of the way. The Gemini always tries to keep a cool head even in emotional situations and tries to understand the other side. Compromises are made so quickly!

The Ascendant Gemini in the world of work

Jobs where the Gemini can prove his communication skills and where new challenges are always waiting are the right thing for him!

Monotonous tasks and doing the same thing every day - nothing would be worse for the lively Gemini! He needs variety like the air he breathes.

Customer service is therefore ideal, because for jobs with a lot of customer contact the Gemini Ascendant is born! But also mediating positions, like management consultant or mediator, are perfect for the Gemini.

His talent for languages also makes him a good presenter, actor or journalist.

What gems and colors make up the Gemini Ascendant

Three completely different gemstones support the Gemini Ascendant in his everyday life tasks.

The moss agate ensures that the Gemini Ascendant always keeps the overview even with his hundred different plans. It supports the Gemini to keep a cool head and increases his self-confidence.

The tiger eye, on the other hand, ensures that the Gemini Ascendant gets rid of the doubts that always plague him. He can concentrate better through this gemstone and find his eye for the essential. Decisions can be made more easily and the Gemini gets rid of his flightiness.

The precious gold topaz is a true lucky charm for the Gemini ascendant!

In terms of color, friendly and light tones like light yellow or light blue suit the air sign Gemini. But also gray and an intense violet correspond to the Gemini.

The 12 signs of the zodiac with Gemini ascendant

Each sign of the zodiac with Gemini ascendant has additional special characteristics, which are worth looking at in detail.

Zodiac sign Aries

The spirited Aries meets the educated Gemini. People who unite this combination are skilled negotiators. They back up their good arguments with a never-ending self-assurance. With this they knock everyone off their feet!

Aries twins have a large circle of friends and are appreciated by those around them for their openness and approachability.

This combination is particularly enthusiastic and carries away their entire environment. When an Aries Gemini is on fire for something, they drop everything and pursue their passion!

Zodiac sign Taurus

The down-to-earth Taurus meets the agile Gemini. People who combine both the Taurus and the Gemini are uncomplicated and pleasant contemporaries.

They love to share their lives with other people and know how to enjoy. A good wine with a delicious meal - that's pure enjoyment for them and that's how they celebrate it.

In conversation, Taurus twins like to hold back, they don't want to reveal too much - nothing is more sacred to them than their privacy!

Zodiac sign Gemini

When the Gemini meets the Twin, the qualities of this character are multiplied. Double twins are particularly educated, communicative and lively.

They are interested in many different things and also in their environment they are always well informed! After all, the double twin is everywhere in the middle and live.

Sometimes his behavior can also appear as a little too curious, but this does not bother the Gemini! His charming smile and a funny saying and no one can be angry with him for that.

Zodiac sign Cancer

The emotional Cancer connects with the educated Gemini. People with zodiac sign Cancer and ascendant Gemini have high empathy ability.

They feel what is going on in other people and are very empathetic. At the same time, they often let their feelings get the better of them.

Their distinct ability to feel emotions often makes them suffer. Thus, they feel emotions much more strongly than others. Cancer twins need a lot of time for themselves and only trust selected people who are really serious about them.

Zodiac sign Leo

Leo harmonizes with Gemini in a special way. They complement each other ideally through the mind of the Gemini and the generosity of the Leo.

People with this combo radiate authority, but it does not seem intimidating or artificial. Leo twins are born leaders and you can see it in their nature.

Privately they are in many circles of friends, all appreciated their sociability, humor and honesty.

Zodiac sign Virgo

Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury. This connects them in a special way.

Virgo twins are characterized by striving for material and spiritual goals. For this they also like to leave a lot behind.

People with this combo are practical, good observers and particularly intellectual. Their environment is regularly showered with criticism, because this is the only way to achieve the high standards of Virgo.

When a Virgo Gemini is convinced of something, it doesn't take him long to get others on board. This combination always has enough powerful arguments in store!

Zodiac sign Libra

Libra and Gemini both belong to the air signs. This is also noticeable in the character of a Libra Gemini.

People with zodiac sign Libra and ascendant Gemini are outgoing, talkative and dynamic characters. Harmony is especially important to them. Libra Gemini tolerate other people and their opinions without wanting to change them.

However, just as little can this combi be changed by others. She adapts to her environment and tries to integrate into the community, but she never loses sight of her principles!

Zodiac sign Scorpio

When Scorpio meets Gemini, two particularly intellectual and inquisitive characters unite.

People with this combination have an enormous thirst for knowledge and are always on the lookout for new information. If they don't get it, then there is a lot of inner turmoil.

They are always on the move and whether it's 6am or 11pm, the spirit of this combo is always awake and fully there.

Unpleasant paths are not a deterrent for them; much more, they confront conflictual issues consciously and actively. After all, they can solve just about any problem with their excellent rhetoric.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

When the extroverted Sagittarius meets the interested Gemini, open characters result.

People with this combo are on the road a lot, always around people and love to experience new views and new perspectives.

His mission in life is to make the world a tolerant place where everyone finds his place. A Sagittarius Gemini is very tolerant and always tries to make everyone around him feel good.

Zodiac sign Capricorn

When the serious Capricorn meets the agile Gemini, worlds collide - positively! Because the Capricorn is loosened up and the Gemini loses its flightiness.

In addition, the conservative Capricorn is lured out of his reserve and experiences humor and lightness.

People with this particular combination are especially determined and hard-working. They show high perseverance and are willing to give the shirt off their back for their goal. In the end, they are usually rewarded - professional success is no stranger to the Capricorn Gemini!

Zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarius meets Gemini - free spirit meets intellect. People who combine qualities of Aquarius and Gemini are compassionate, sensitive and have a big heart.

The well-being of their loved ones is their first priority. The Aquarius Gemini would love to help everyone in the world. However, he often forgets about himself in the process.

Their fellow men appreciate above all their tolerance, their friendliness and their open-mindedness about them. They let everyone be who they are - their heart is in the right place!

Zodiac sign Pisces

Emotion meets mind - a special connection that exists between Pisces and Gemini. The emotional Pisces and the mind-led Gemini often create an inner conflict and indecision.

However, people with zodiac sign Pisces and ascendant Gemini are very intuitive and imaginative. For them there are no limits: if they want something, they just do it. In doing so, they behave without regard for losses, their inner intuition drives them too much.

Pisces twins are perceived by their environment as volatile and unstable, but also very bright and versatile.

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