This is what makes the Ascendant Scorpio special!

Ascendant Scorpio

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You are Ascendant Scorpio and want to know what that actually means? Which strengths and weaknesses are associated with the Ascendant and what is really typical for the Scorpio? Here you can find out everything!

What is very typical for the Ascendant Scorpio is his enormous passion. When he burns for something, nothing stops him.

Whether this is a hobby, the job or the partner - when the Scorpio sets his mind on something and wants to achieve something, he pulls out all the stops to get to his goal.

He is very persistent and consistent when it comes to fulfilling his dreams and ideas. He does not let anything or anyone dissuade him from his goals.

The Descendant of the Ascendant Scorpio is Taurus. This softens the Scorpio's doggedness somewhat and they learn to approach their goals more patiently and calmly as life goes on. Failures no longer mean the end of the world and they get a more positive outlook overall.

Ascendant Scorpio

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What distinguishes the character of the Scorpio Ascendant

The sign ruler of Scorpio is Pluto. He makes the Ascendant Scorpio a strong personality and a passionate fighter.

The Ascendant Scorpio never lets himself be diverted from his path. When he sets his mind to something, he fights his way through with a lot of perseverance and discipline.

As a matter of principle, Scorpio does not accept advice and tips from friends or family. If he has decided on a way, then he also goes it, even if he must put his needs back thereby.

On his fellow men the Ascendant Scorpio often appears dogged and obsessive, because he wants to reach his goal with all force. This is due to the fact that the Scorpio must have the feeling that power and control are in his hands.

The Ascendant Scorpio tends to look at the world pessimistically and suspiciously. He takes life too seriously and seems aloof and cool. Only a few people he really lets get close to him.

However, when dealing with their loved ones, Scorpio is very empathetic and tries to understand the feelings of those around them and find solutions for them from both logical and emotional points of view.

Never good enough - that is the motto of the Scorpio. He is very perfectionistic, his demands on himself and his environment are extremely high and therefore often unfulfillable.

If his perfectly thought out plans don't work out, the passion of the Scorpio changes. He gives vent to his anger by blaming his fellow men and self-doubt. He is very hard on himself - after all, everything really could have been better!

The strengths of the Ascendant Scorpio

  • Determination
  • Charisma
  • Reliability
  • Job satisfaction
  • Enthusiasm
  • Determination
  • Persistence
  • People skills
  • Intelligence
  • Passion

The weaknesses of the Ascendant Scorpio

  • Aloofness
  • Striving for power
  • Mistrust
  • Arrogance
  • Perfectionism
  • Envy
  • Vindictiveness
  • Doggedness
  • Pessimism
  • Malice

What distinguishes the Scorpio Ascendant in love

In love, the Scorpio Ascendant needs a partner who has both feet on the ground and goals in mind just like the Scorpio.

Scorpios are extremely faithful partners, and that's exactly what he wants from his beloved. The worst thing for him would be if his trust would be abused. Security is extremely important to the Scorpio in a relationship!

You should never make the Scorpio Ascendant jealous. He can't handle that at all and he will never forgive the partner! Because a Scorpio forgets nothing. So he holds his mistakes against his counterpart even after years.

The Scorpio Ascendant is very popular as a potential partner. Physical closeness and merging with the beloved are a strong need for him. He also shows his passionate nature in love.

The Ascendant Scorpio in the world of work

In the profession, the Scorpio must find his fulfillment. It is not important for him to earn a lot of money or to get a high reputation through his job. It is much more important for him to find his vocation.

Professionally, Scorpios are often found in research, science or medicine. They analyze, make connections and like to get to the bottom of things.

His empathy and logical thinking also make the Scorpio a good psychotherapist. He tries to solve his clients' problems with his heart as well as with his mind. This may not always be comfortable, but it is very effective.

The extremely accurate and forward-thinking way of working also makes it possible to work in the IT industry.

What gems and colors make up the Scorpio Ascendant

Three completely different gemstones strengthen the Ascendant Scorpio in its everyday life tasks.

Amethyst gives the distrustful and pessimistic Scorpio Ascendant the ability to trust his fellow men more and to let himself drift in the situation sometimes.

Hematite provides the Scorpio Ascendant with more serenity and inner peace and decelerates him. He feels less driven and can enjoy the moment more.

Garnet helps Scorpio to see behind the scenes of his fellow men and gives him even more empathy.

Strong, dark colors correspond most to his profound personality. Rich colors like ruby red, black or violet underline his passionate temperament.

The 12 signs of the zodiac with Scorpio ascendant

Each zodiac sign with Scorpio ascendant has additional special characteristics, which are worth looking at in detail.

Zodiac sign Aries

Aries and Scorpio are united by the common sign ruler Mars. This means that the passionate temperament and the often aggressive traits are multiplied. A heated up combo!

People who combine the characteristics of Aries and Scorpio are often very stubborn. They believe they always know everything best themselves and don't let others tell them anything.

Accordingly, they also act very determined. Aries-Scorpio does not fiddle around for a long time. He reveals his feelings and is not sparing with criticism.

Zodiac sign Taurus

A very assertive and strong-willed character results from the combination of Taurus and Scorpio.

People with zodiac sign Taurus and ascendant Scorpio achieve what they set out to do. Much discipline and perseverance leads them to their goal. At the same time they are often very selfish and forget about their decency.

In the partnership there are often tensions in Taurus-Scorpio. Possessiveness and jealousy play a major role. However, a partner whom the Taurus-Scorpio can trust 100 percent takes away his fear.

Zodiac sign Gemini

Both the Gemini and the Scorpio like to get to the bottom of things. People with Gemini and Scorpio traits are very thirsty for knowledge and have sharp minds.

Mistakes of fellow men are recognized immediately. Sometimes the Gemini-Scorpio tends to hasty condemnations and hurts his fellow men thereby.

At first sight, the big heart of the Gemini Scorpio is not recognizable. Behind his facade, however, he is capable of deep feelings.

Zodiac sign Cancer

The sensitive, withdrawn Cancer gets more assertiveness from the persistent Scorpio. An enrichment!

People who combine characteristics of Cancer and Scorpio always try to get a holistic picture. Thus, they look at situations from different angles in order to make informed decisions.

Physicality and love is particularly important to this combination. With a reliable partner they live out their erotic ideas.

Zodiac sign Leo

Fire meets water - but instead of these signs weakening each other, temperament mixes with passion here!

People who combine characteristics of Leo and Scorpio are very strong-willed and persistent. They achieve each of their set goals without detour.

Leo Scorpions know about their charisma and demonstrate great power. If someone gets in their way, they show who is the boss.

Zodiac sign Virgo

Many characteristics connect Virgo with Scorpio. Thus, both signs are very critical, but also determined and disciplined.

At best, Virgo scorpions can become very successful thanks to their intelligence and perseverance. On the negative side, however, this combo can spoil its own success due to its never-ending addiction to criticism.

Scorpio can give the inhibited Virgo some drive. So she dares to leave the comfort zone and dare something new.

Zodiac sign Libra

Optimism meets pessimism, cheerfulness meets seclusion. In the Libra-Scorpio combination, worlds collide. People who combine these qualities are often inwardly torn.

This combo would love to enjoy the company of others, but the mistrust and lack of trust makes them back down again and again.

Libra Scorpions are very emotional people who have a good feeling for their fellow human beings. Solving the problems of others is their life's work.

Zodiac sign Scorpio

When zodiac sign Scorpio meets Ascendant Scorpio, the typical traits are doubled. Passion, willpower and perseverance play a major role.

Scorpios live by the motto "All or nothing" - so when they take something in hand, they put all their energy into it. Without ifs and buts they pursue their goals, even if they neglect their loved ones or even themselves.

The double Scorpio doesn't hide behind criticism. If something doesn't suit him, he says it straightforwardly. Some people appreciate his honesty, while others find him too nagging.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

The open Sagittarius meets the suspicious Scorpio. An exciting combination, but one that also brings similarities.

Thus, both Sagittarius and Scorpio attach great importance to independence. To be free and unattached is a high good for them, which they do not want to give away for anything in the world.

Sagittarius-Scorpio pursues goals with enormous discipline and persistence. Persistently he works day after day for his success.

In the relationship, Sagittarius-Scorpio is not easy. He is very resentful and holds the other's mistakes even for years. When he is hurt, all bridges are burned.

Zodiac sign Capricorn

A very strong-willed character is the Capricorn-Scorpio! Without fear and with a large portion of courage, people who combine the traits of Capricorn and Scorpio achieve their goals.

Defeats spur the Capricorn Scorpio to step on the gas even more and put even more energy into making his dreams come true.

Often this combo comes across as tough and ruthless, yet at their core they are very soft and vulnerable.

Zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarius Scorpions are always on the move. They can hardly keep still and have to get to the bottom of things.

People with the characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius and the ascendant Scorpio are very freedom-loving and unconventional. They do not care about guidelines, but live their lives according to their ideas.

This combination rarely enters into a long-term partnership. After all, there is always something new to discover!

Zodiac sign Pisces

The emotional, feeling Pisces meets the passionate Scorpio. Basically, people who have both Pisces and Scorpio characteristics are introverted. To the outside world, they usually appear aloof.

With his loved ones, however, the Pisces-Scorpio maintains a very intense, open relationship. Friendships and family give him the air to breathe.

Disputes with his fellow human beings make him inwardly unround. Then he withdraws or tries to cover it up. Or he explodes - regardless of losses.

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