Horoscope Libra 2021 - This is how your year will be!

Horoscope Libra 2021

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Here you can find the Libra horoscope 2021! Read here what awaits you in the new year, how your future will be and what you should pay attention to in the year of Saturn!

New year, new luck! You were born between September 24 and October 23? Then you are surely interested in how the new year will be for Libra.

If you're wondering what the future has planned for you and what the Libra 2021 horoscope looks like, you've come to the right place. A look at the stars reveals what you can look forward to and where you should rather look a second time.

Once you know what the astrological year has in store for you, you can adjust and be prepared for what is to come. This gives you a little security.

This much is already said about the horoscope Libra 2021: All Libra have a big goal this year - and that is to realize their ideas and put them into practice. They ask themselves at the beginning of the year what they have been planning for a long time, but have never followed through. In the year of Saturn they benefit from verve and strength.

They pursue their goal with a lot of ambition and consistency. If Libra 2021 has set her mind on something, she will see it through. She knows how to do things the right way. This also goes down well with friends and acquaintances. Many new impressions await Libra in the year of Saturn.

Jupiter ensures in the Libra 2021 horoscope that your stamina is strengthened. Many things will be easier for you than in the years before. You will overcome obstacles without difficulties. In short, luck will be on Libra's side in 2021.

Horoscope Libra 2021

The most beautiful zodiac jewelry

Necklace, pendants or bracelet? What do you feel like? I like to buy my jewelry from Aqasha. Here you can choose from 160 star sign jewelry pieces. This ranges from very simple gold-plated pendants to elaborate chains in which your birthstone is also incorporated.

Also gemstone pendants, talismans or guardian angels made of gemstone you can find in the online store. Take a look around, I think there is certainly something suitable for you.

So you always have your zodiac sign as a lucky charm and individual piece of jewelry with you.

Libra yearly horoscope 2021 and love

Whether single or committed - this year there is a lot of love and eroticism in the air. This is no wonder, because Saturn in the sign of Aquarius strengthens you in all matters that have to do with love. You will feel this especially from January to April.

Then Saturn moves on, but your love high remains.

The single scale 2021

Things are finally going your way. A serious relationship is waiting, keep your eyes open. Libra singles will meet many potential partners this year, Saturn supports them.

Your charisma will get you many dates. One or the other fire sign can't resist your charm. However, the many options have a disadvantage, it is difficult for you to really get involved with a person and get to know him first. Discipline is needed here!

Take it easy, even if it's hard. The yearly horoscope for Libra will be especially exciting from February to March. Here you could set the course for a solid relationship.

The awarded scale 2021

Venus means well for Libra who are in a committed relationship. The planet ensures that an existing love rekindles and gets more passion.

You feel like newly in love. With rose-colored glasses included! You're more sure about your choice of partner than ever before. Your relationship is strengthened and you are bubbling over with happiness. Let your partner feel it with a romantic gesture or two. How about a weekend getaway?

Saturn in Aquarius also ensures that previously loose relationships are strengthened and turn into fixed partnerships.

What scales can look forward to with friends and family

As a Libra, you have a harmonious time ahead of you until October. Both in the circle of friends and the family everything runs like clockwork. But from October on, things will get a little bumpy.

Tension and confrontation could lurk and upset you. Uneasiness is caused by a person in the earth sign. Since you like to keep the balance, you will compromise with communication that pleases both of you.

Have understanding for your counterpart and try to put yourself in their shoes. Always remember: The wiser gives way. Rely on Saturn, which strengthens your gut feeling. It will give you peace and strength in difficult phases.

What the Libra horoscope 2021 has in store professionally

The yearly horoscope for Libra starts very promisingly from a professional point of view. Saturn ensures that you are equipped with particularly high motivation, discipline and ambition and work on your goals.

Libra who are properly engaged in their profession will also reap the fruits of their efforts. For your professional success all signs are green in the Libra horoscope. Provided you are ready to fight for it and give everything.

But beware: Pluto will throw a little wrench into your plans. He can make sure that the professional pressure on you increases.

As a social zodiac sign, it will do you good if you volunteer. Good deeds make you happy!

Money and finances in Libra year

You're moving up the career ladder, and that will show financially. Maybe not yet in the first half of the year, but have a little patience.

However, nothing is given to you as a gift. You have to fight for it and insist on your values. Do not get involved in power games. Instead, rely on self-confidence and trust in your inner strength.

Saturn is on your side. He gives you a mixture of calm and strength to make financial decisions and get through disputes unscathed.

What you need to watch out for in health as a Libra 2021

Let your positive energy and your successes from work and love flow into your health. The positive vibrations of Jupiter and Saturn will support you. As a Libra, the balance of all areas of life is very important to you. If you succeed in keeping the balance, a whole new body feeling awaits you.

Happiness is your focus. You pursue hobbies and also like to try something new. That's good, because you'll be able to make lots of exciting acquaintances in the process.

But be careful: put the brakes on your exuberance! You mustn't put yourself under too much pressure when it comes to sports nutrition. Rather, pay attention to your gut feeling and to what your body wants to tell you.

If you have a job that requires you to sit a lot, you should try jogging. There's no question that many scales will rediscover this sport for themselves in 2021. Maybe you'll be one of them.

From April to June you will be showered with the positive energy of Jupiter. This is especially good for your soul. You will feel a lot of happiness when you take time for old friends and conversations.

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