Get rid of garlic smell with simple tricks

Get rid of garlic odor hands and mouth

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Bye bye garlic smell! So you can get rid of your garlic smell on your hands and in your mouth!

What were the grilled shrimp and the baguette but delicious. Both with extra garlic of course. Freshly chopped and then eaten with full relish.

And now?

Now the hands and mouth smell really unpleasant.

We show you how to get rid of garlic smell. And with a few simple tricks.

Because to neutralize the smell of garlic you just need a few home remedies and the scent is gone.

Smell of garlic recipes

With what you can get rid of garlic smell on the hands

You don't even have to chop the garlic cloves and the smell is already on your hands. Just peeling garlic leaves a scent trail.

It gets really intense when you chop the garlic cloves. The good news is that if you want to get rid of garlic odor that you have on your hands, it's pretty easy.

1. get rid of garlic smell with salt and lemon

Everyone has salt at home. You probably even need it to prepare your garlic dish :)

  • If you want to get rid of the smell, mix 1 tbsp of salt with 2 tsp of fresh lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Rub the mix in your hands. Leave the anti-garlic scrub on for a minute.
  • Wash hands with lukewarm water.

Repeat the process if necessary.

2. neutralize garlic smell with vinegar

A worse combination than vinegar and knofel on the fingers you can not imagine? It's half as bad!

In fact, these two smells pretty much cancel each other out.

  • Moisten your hands with water. Take about 2 tablespoons of vinegar and spread it on your fingers.
  • Leave it on for about 30 seconds and wash your hands with lukewarm water.
  • Smells better already, doesn't it? If you want, you can wash your hands again with soap. Then the vinegar and garlic smell should be gone.

By the way, you can use any vinegar. It works wonderfully with all of them.

Get rid of garlic odor hands and mouth

3. drive away garlic smell with coffee

There is hardly a better scent than coffee. Especially if you want to neutralize the smell of garlic. This works wonderfully with coffee grounds.

  • Rub 1-2 tablespoons of coffee grounds on your wet hands.
  • Rub them together really hard.
  • Rinse hands with lukewarm water.

Here you will learn everything about the various home remedies and their effects

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4. stainless steel against garlic smell

Did you know that you can get rid of garlic smell on your hands with stainless steel? Stainless steel is known to neutralize odors.

  • You can rub your hands on a stainless steel sink for this and let water run over your fingers.
  • But it also works with a spoon or a stainless steel faucet.

Tip: Less complicated and subsequently not all smeared is when you reach for an odor-killing stainless steel soap. This soap can help if you want to get rid of unpleasant smells like fish, vinegar or garlic. You can order them from Amazon.

5. get rid of garlic smell with baking soda

If there's one thing you should have handy around the house at all times, it's Baking soda*. It not only helps with heartburn, but also if you want to get rid of the smell of garlic on your fingers.

The scent should already be neutralized. No? Repeat the process with moistened hands. Then it works a little better.

Get rid of garlic smell on the hands

What you can do against garlic bad breath

But even more unpleasant than the smell on your hands is the smell from your mouth. Depending on how much you have eaten, the taste can last for hours.

Embarrassing is when someone calls our attention to it.

At the latest then we want to get rid of the smell of garlic and as soon as possible.

1. off to the bathroom

Grab a toothbrush immediately after eating. Clean teeth, tongue and interdental spaces with toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. And finally, mouthwash.

You don't have any mouthwash at hand? Then take Baking soda*. Mix one teaspoon in a cup of water and gargle the rinse.

2. herbs neutralize garlic odor

Do you have parsley, sage or mint at hand? Then chew a tablespoon of it very carefully and for a long time.

Swallow the herbs afterwards. Then your throat will also be free of gnocchi.

Repeat the process if it is still not better.

Get rid of the smell of garlic in the mouth

3. ginger against garlic scent

The tuber does not only look good in cooking or as a tea. Ginger is also a wonderful home remedy against garlic odor.

  • Cut off a small piece and chew it.
  • While doing so, spread the juice on the tongue and all teeth.

If it gets too spicy for you, you may of course spit out the ginger again. This method is not for everyone.

4. coffee beans can neutralize garlic odor

After dinner, it's best to rush to a coffee maker. Grab two to three whole coffee beans and chew them.

Coffee is a wonderful home remedy if you want to get rid of garlic odor.

On top of that, there's a little caffeine kick after the meal.

5. drink a glass of milk

Yogurt, cottage cheese or milk? What do you feel like right now? If you want to neutralize the smell of garlic, both work.

If your scent is particularly great, then you can also use dairy products to brush your teeth.

If it is a normal garlic plume, then it is enough to take a sip of milk and keep it in your mouth longer. Gurgle and pull the milk through your teeth.

And already the smell is not as intense as before.

6. get rid of garlic smell with cardamom

In India, a lot of cooking is done with garlic. Therefore, Indians like to neutralize their garlic scents with Cardamom*. Chew a piece of it after eating.

Already after a few minutes the smell of the knofel should disappear.

7. a lemon can help

Now it's getting sour! But what does one not do everything to get rid of the unpleasant bad breath.

Eat a piece of lemon after the garlic dish. The acid in the lemon can make the smell more pleasant.

8. cloves against garlic

You want to neutralize the smell of garlic? Then you should look for cloves.

Chew two cloves in your mouth. The smell will disappear very quickly.

By the way, cloves help against any bad breath.

Home remedy for the smell of garlic

Why we smell so intensely after eating garlic

After eating and peeling, we want to get rid of garlic smell. But where does it come from in the first place and why does it linger so stubbornly?

The culprit is the sulfur compound allicin. It is formed when we break open the cell structure of the garlic clove. That is, as soon as we touch the garlic.

How strong we smell after eating depends on how the garlic was prepared. Raw, the aroma is most intense. At the same time, however, we absorb the most nutrients. So you can overlook the smell of garlic.

But it is extremely rare that garlic cloves are really eaten raw. Except in a dip with herbs and sour cream, I can't think of anything in a hurry.

Most of the time it is fried or cooked with meat, fish or vegetables. Even very brief frying greatly reduces the smell of garlic cloves.

Avoid bad breath when eating garlic

Much better and easier than trying to get rid of garlic odor is to avoid it as much as possible.

There are three tricks you can use to make the aroma less intense.

  1. In stir-fry dishes, simply remove the garlic from the pan after sautéing.
  2. For tzatziki, chop the garlic clove and add it to the salted cucumber pieces. Let the mix sit in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Take out the garlic before adding the yogurt. The garlic has released flavor but is not too intense.
  3. Mix the garlic with fresh lemon juice before frying or cooking. The taste in the mouth will not be so intense.

Our conclusion

If you want to get rid of garlic odor, simple home remedies can be quick fixes. From cloves to ginger to Baking soda* - anything can neutralize the smell of garlic. The best thing to use on your fingers is salt or coffee grounds.

Good luck! :)

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